Long ziplock bag, special size transparent plastic bag, slender sealed bag, remote control storage, packaging and sealing bag
Wholesale price¥4.96 - ¥40.96
Update time2024-04-18 11:40:31
Sales : 5.57KPublish: 0Collection volume: 0
Color4x35cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 4x35cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 5x15cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 5x15cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 5x15cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 5x20cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 5x20cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 5x20cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 5x42cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 5x42cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 5x42cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 6x27cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thick) - transparent *see description 6x27cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 6x27cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 7x35cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thickness) - transparent *see description 7x35cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 7x35cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x16cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thick) - transparent *see description 8x16cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent *see description 8x16cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x16cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 8x16cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x16cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 8x28cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 8x28cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x28cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x42cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 8x42cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x42cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 8x55cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thick) - transparent *see description 8x55cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent*see description 8x55cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thickness) - transparent *see description 9x18cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*10 pieces (trial size)-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*50 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 9x18cm*100 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 11x35cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thickness) - transparent *see description 11x35cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 11x35cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 10x20cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent *see description 10x20cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 16 silk (thick) - transparent *see description 10x20cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*50 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 10x20cm*100 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 10x25cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 10x25cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 10x25cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 10x80cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent *see description 10x80cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 16 silk (thick) - transparent *see description 10x80cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 10x80cm*50 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 10x80cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 10x80cm*100 pieces-16 silk (thick)-transparent*see description 12x30cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 12x30cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent*see description 12x30cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 12x45cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 12x45cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 12x45cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 12x55cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thickness) - transparent *see description 12x55cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent *see description 12x55cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 12x55cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 12x55cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 12x55cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 15x35cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 15x35cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent *see description 15x35cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 15x47cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 15x47cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 15x47cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 16x55cm*10 pieces (trial size)-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent *see description 16x55cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 16x55cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 16x55cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 16x55cm*100 pieces-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 16x55cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x55cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x55cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x55cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x70cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x70cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 18x70cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 20x55cm*10 pieces (trial size) - 10 silk (medium thickness) - transparent *see description 20x55cm*10 pieces (trial size)-12 silk (thickened)-transparent *see description 20x55cm*50 pieces-10 silk (medium thickness)-transparent*see description 20x55cm*50 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description 20x55cm*100pcs-10 silk (medium thick)-transparent*see description 20x55cm*100 pieces-12 silk (thickened)-transparent*see description
{{numTotal}} piece {{cartTotal}} CNYSelected List
Color Size Number {{item.color_tr}} {{item.size_tr}} {{item.num}} -
Delivery date:5dayTransfer fee:¥2 ≈ S$0.38First freight:Ship to Singapore freight¥0.00
- Code :AL-5C7R
- Commodity :1553 piece
- Sales :5.57K
- Delivery :GZ
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